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Our Savior
My Lebanon is a serene mountain sitting between the sea and the plain like a poet between one eternity an another.
Gibran Khalil Gibran
لا تتركوا الله يخرج من لبنان
دكتور جعجع
ا ن من الصعب الوصول الى الحقيقة في دولة اللا قانون
                   دكتور جعجع

من اجل استرجاع الحرية في وطننا
لا تتركوا لبنان يخرج من مسار التاريخ فلا يبقى منه الا الذكرى في كتب التاريخ
اسير كل مواطن حر
The constitution in Lebanon shall be sent to our history's trash can
سمير جعجع
It is a duty for every free Lebanese to write
Spread the word

No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or exile

لبنان يا شوكة بعين العدا   يا قاهر الابطال عاطول المدا

                                   اسمك بتاريخ الدني اسم وصمود ودم الشهادة طرطش صخورك فدا

The constitution in Lebanon shall be sent to our history's trash can
Article 13. - Freedom of expression by word or pen, freedom of the press,
freedom of holding meetings and freedom of association are equally
guaranteed within the framework of the law.
For Dr Geagea news click here 
Article 12. - All Lebanese citizens are equally admitted to all public functions without any other cause for preference except their merit and competence and according to the conditions set by law. A special statute shall govern Civil Servants according to the administrations to which they belong.
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Article 14. - Domicile is inviolable. No one can enter it except in cases
provided by the law and according to the form it prescribes
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Taydal Al Saleeb 3A Jbalou 3Alameh.  Click here
Letters . Click here
Freedom is not given as a gift (...). One can live under a dictatorship and still remain free provided he fights it. Man, who thinks freely and fights forwhat he believes is right, is also a free man. Man shouldn't beg for his
freedom, he should take it.
It is incumbent on the Lebanese government to make a supreme information effort on Dr Hindi issue, to forcefully insist on the arresting and trying all Lebanese forces members as perpetrators and planners of terrorism .For those who are stripping us from our rights, are only using our own fears as their weapons against us.
Article 7. - All the Lebanese are equal before the law. They enjoy equal
civil and political rights and are equally subjected to public charges and
duties, without any distinction whatever.

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