Paltalk Setup and Guide to Lebanese Forces For Free Lebanon Voice Chat Site

First step Click on Paltalk Logo to Download The Program it's Free :  

Second Step : after installing the software it  will ask you  to set up a new user (Be aware that all the

info that you enter maybe avilable for other users )  click yes.

Put any username that you like fill all the necessary information , when you are done it will open for you

the main paltalk box there where all the setup and configuration for the voice or all the other necessary

mic & volume setup. Please follow the instructions below how to get to the Lebanese Forces for Free lebanon

voice chat room , You must follow the room rules & regulations

          Sign In  screen                  Log on screen                Categories screen



                Arabic and middle-East                Lebanese Forces For Free<< Lebanon>>

                 Click on Join                                     Highlight and click on Join


                              Click on Join                                    You're In



Welcome to the LEBANESE FORCES room .For all peoples who believe in FREE LEBANON.

Respect the RULES.

Raise your hand and wait for your turn any disrespectfull movement you will be BOUNCED.

Abusive , threatening , harassing , offensive words ARE STRICTLY PROHIBITED


Paltalk tips Click here