TO OUR LEADER No matter what they say, no matter what they do, we will never lose hope. we will never bow, nor will we ever give up the cause. We will always be faithful to the one man who showed everyone the meaning of courage, honor and loyalty, to our great leader who did not abandon us, who stood by us shoulder to shoulder. To the person who has become the cause, to you Dr. Geagea we promise to always be strong and never lose faith no matter how hard things get, because in the end the righteous will prevail, and we are the righteous ones. We have sacrificed our blood for the freedom of our country and our people. We gave our country our best and that is why we will prevail. Dr. Geagea we are proud of you and we are proud to have you as our leader.

Strong and irresistible, Samir Geagea can be compared to the majestic
cedars of Lebanon that have characterized the Lebanese Mountains since Biblical times. These trees, arguably the most beautiful in the world, growing for thousands of years on the pinnacles of his hometown Besharri, are not dissimilar to his robust physique and principles. Brought up in a modest family, Samir Geagea was born on the 25th October 1952. The son of a sergeant in the Lebanese Army, Samir Geagea began to concern himself with his country's problems when the war broke out in 1975, cutting short his studies in medicine, which he started in 1972. His perseverance and unwavering belief and faith in his country have placed him in an integral position on the political chessboard. Samir Geagea was one of the first members of the Resistance to defend the sovereignty and independence of Lebanon from ridicule and corruption. It is against this backdrop that he forged his path, initially within the Christian Resistance, and then on a national scale. Just as straight and haughty as the great Cedars of Lebanon against storms and attacks of the elements, he too resisted the obstacles of those that tried to derail and humiliate him. Samir Geagea, a true stalwart, maintained the true vision, the right vision for his country. The assassination of their founding member, Bashir Gemayel, considerably weakened the Lebanese Forces. Consequently, the Lebanese Forces were under considerable pressure from hostile rogue elements from within Lebanon and externally. On the 12th March 1985, Samir Geagea embraced the challenge to save the honor and indeed the very existence of the Lebanese Forces. As the legitimate successor to Bashir, he assured the continuation of the Resistance and supervised the preservation of the legacy they fought so hard to defend. On the 15th January 1986, Samir Geagea put the tri-party treaty, signed under the aegis of Damascus, in check, and on the 31st January 1990, he succeeded in combating an attempt to liquidate the Lebanese Forces. This man, the imposing stature, with black piercing eyes, bare forehead and moustache that crosses a constantly smiling face, has a faith that can move mountains. Able and determined, preferring occasionally to compromise to avoid the worst and achieve a positive result, Samir Geagea has never confused strategy with tactics. Before all political steps, he analyses local, regional and international factors with perspicacity and intelligence. He consults and works with others. Calm and serene, especially in moments of crisis and tensions, he is at the same time Cartesian and pragmatic. He reacts as an intellectual and thinks as a man of action. He hardly forgets the past but never takes refuge in it. He knows how to apply the past to present situations in such a way as to achieve a better future. His appreciation of silence stems from his belief that "silence is an element at the heart of all that is great". He loves and knows how to listen, he never ceases to repeat the proverb: "it is in listening and not through speaking that we learn". Samir Geagea, known by those close to him as the "Hakim", is a fierce enemy of political feudalism, autocracy and suppression of the people. A democrat through to the core, he is enamored with liberty and justice. An adversary to fixed ideas, prejudices and politics that are opposed to progress; he has the gift of pricking sleeping consciences. Neither revolutionary nor anti-revolutionary, Samir Geagea strives to set Lebanese society back on track for the next century. He fights for the freedom of all, regardless of the many differences. In a composite society, the right to be different is for him, an essential element of democracy. He often repeats that, "power in Lebanon should come from addition and not subtraction". He campaigns to end the practice of individualistic, deranged politics whose only goal is to evade problems and assure maximum economic profits for a well determined class. Patriotic, Samir Geagea is a man of courage, lucidity and peace. He is and remains, a man of the future. All the legal files and proceedings brought against him and the Lebanese Forces are without foundation. Samir Geagea is today, the only political prisoner in Lebanon. His crime is that of exercising his democratic rights. No matter what they say, no matter what they do, we will never lose hope, we will never bow, nor will we ever give up the cause. We will always be faithful to the one man who showed everyone the meaning of courage, honor and loyalty, to our great leader who did not abandon us, who stood by us shoulder to shoulder. To the person who has become the cause, to you Dr. Geagea we promise to always be strong and never lose faith no matter how hard things get, because in the end the righteous will prevail, and we are the righteous ones. We have sacrificed our blood for the freedom of our country and our people. We gave our country our best and that is why we will prevail. Dr. Geagea we are proud of you and we are proud to have you as our leader. Samir Geagea, current leader of the Lebanese Forces. The only person in the history of my country who was given a choice to either leave Lebanon and never come back or to go to prison. Samir Geagea chose to go to prison. Why? Because Samir Geagea fought for something he believed very dearly in. Samir Geagea bled for his country. Samir Geagea was not ready to dishonor all the martyrs that died for our cause. He was not ready to dishonor their memories. For they did not die in vain. Samir Geagea said clearly we did not bleed for 20 years so in the end we are asked to leave and never come back. Samir Geagea has become the symbol of heroism, the symbol of courage and honor. Samir Geagea has proven that the cause comes first, he has sent a clear message for all of us and that message is Lebanon is worth the sacrifice and all our martyrs don't expect less. They thought that by striking the shepherd, the sheep would be lost. We were lost, we did lose faith, we did despair but his resistance from his cell revived us. His continuous struggle from within his prison gave us hope, strength and guidance. They imprisoned him in the hope that we would be finished. Yet we remain. They took him in the hope of scaring us. Yet we don't allow any occasion to pass without clearly sending them a message that we are still here. They took him in the hope that they could alter history and falsify facts. But they were impotent. They thought they could accuse him and everyone would believe their lies. They thought wrong and here is the world condemning them, The Australian courts condemned them for fabricating evidence; the United Nations Human Rights Committees condemned them; and all those people who value the rule of law condemned them. Samir Geagea is an example of a man who is unselfishly devoted to a significant cause. He is a true model for all who believe in a just and reconciled Lebanon.