Independence day what does it mean.
By: George Khoury, A true Lebanese
LCCC Foreign Affairs Chairman
That glorious day set in motion the path for Lebanon and its identity among
nations. It told the occupiers of the day, that no matter what the sacrifices
are, freedom would prevail over this little holy country, Lebanon. It gave the
occupier a sense of insecurity and despair. It proved that unity among the
Lebanese always yields freedom, honor and dignity. It said to the occupier
loudly and firmly, it is time for you to go.
Sit aside a minute or two, and look back at your deeply rooted Lebanese history
that you should be proud of. Do you have any slightest doubt that if your
grandfathers did not stand up for what they believed in, you would have a
country called Lebanon today?
The sacrifices of your grandfathers earned your freedom then, and gave you an
identity full of pride and glory. The unity among all Lebanese then, sent a
clear message to the occupier that his time has come. It said loudly: Start
packing to get out, you do not belong here. There was no difference than between
Christians, Muslims and Druze, the voice was one, the goal was one, freedom for
all or death. What a special day that was, it made me always proud to be
The Lebanese people are extremely annoyed and very sad to see how degrading the
so-called public officials have become. They are bitterly disappointed with the
fact that none of these officials represent who the Lebanese are now, or who we
were then. They are nothing, but subservient traitors paid to advocate and
protect the interest of outsiders at the cost of our Lebanon's History, Dignity
and self -respect. They were installed to kill democracy and freedom and allow
outsiders to rape our independence and free choice; they have made a pact with
the devil and sold their souls. They can never walk with their heads held high
for once a slave; always a slave, if you think that money and fame buys your
freedom, think again.
Patriotic Lebanese are hopeful that Lebanon's children and the rest of the
citizens will enjoy independence, freedom and democracy. Those Lebanese who were
exposed to torture, humiliation and oppression will be victorious and with them
peace shall prevail again. For the sake of all those who sacrificed their lives
to defend sovereignty, tolerance and national dignity, let us all stand for our
holy cause and work together in a bid to force the Syrian regime to implement
the UN Resolution 520, and withdraw all troops back to its country.
"Give me liberty, or give me death", as someone once said. Life without freedom
is no life at all; your life has no meaning, if you do not allow yourself to
grow. You cannot have peace without being free to choose. No one should dictate
your destiny, you are expected to witness for the truth or otherwise you become
subservient like sheep no more no less, told what to do and when.
You corrupted officials, enough collaboration with outsiders against your own
people and country. Stop forging history and remember that you cannot take
riches with you when you leave this world. What stays behind are your deeds to
your fellow man and country, the time has come for all of you to attend to your
duties, and respect the sacred oath were you pledged to serve and protect, other
wise resign your posts and face charges of high treasons against Lebanon and its
people, your loyalty should be to Lebanon first regardless, it is time for all
of you to stop hiding behind lies and corruption, Lebanon deserves your
unconditional support, if you are unworthy of such honor than Lebanon has no
need for you, pack you bags and go be a subservient else where.
God bless the souls of all those who scarified their lives for us to be free. We
are determined to continue the difficult journey for the sake of our kids and
country, as our people have been doing for the last 6000 years. Lebanon and
freedom shall prevail once again, and the land of cedars shall regain back its
Long live the free Lebanon forever.