Syria how dare you.
You raped my country and killed its economy, you stole our jobs and forced my
people to migrate elsewhere, and know you are going to stop supplying Lebanon
with electricity, have you no conscious, isn't enough that your 1.5 million
workers in Lebanon draining my country of urgently needed funds consists of more
than 3 billions annually, isn't enough that you killed our farming industry with
your illegal smuggling, what else do you want for us to lay down and die so you
can take it over, if someone owns money here it should be Syria owing Lebanon,
the way I see it you came in and stole everything from us the thieves you are
therefore it is time for you to pay us back, the damage your war machine caused
Lebanon goes beyond any comprehension, your bombardment of my beloved country
caused all the suffering, your thievery of our institution and market pushed
Lebanon into poverty and despair.
The time has come for Syria to pay back Lebanon, the way I see it Syria owes
Lebanon more the 40 billions dollars for all the destruction they have caused,
it is time for truth to be told the way it is, the Lebanese world wide are
disgusted with all the lies and deception by Syria and its proxies, get you
rubbish out of my beloved home and go back where you belong, the time has come
for all Lebanese to stand up as one voice, enough hiding and running away, your
country is being raped by thugs calling themselves the brotherly hood of
Lebanon, cleaning the house is the responsibility of all Lebanese enough is
Syria listen carefully, for every up hill a downhill, your time is coming soon
rest assure.
Long live the free Lebanon forever.