Lebanese Information Center
4900 Leesburg Pike, Suite
Alexandria, VA 22302
(703) 578- 4214
(703) 578- 4615 Fax
September 14, 2001
American Lebanese Statement
Regarding The Attack On America
The Lebanese Information Center representing Americans of Lebanese origin would
like to express sympathy and regret over the September 11 attack on the American
way of life. We pray for the
victims and ask God to give strength to their families and loved ones. Also, our prayers and unwavering support
go to President Bush who must now deal with a very complex and delicate
situation. We join all Americans in
our resolve to punish the perpetrators of this attack regardless of the
sacrifices that it may take.
As mostly first and second
generation Americans, we know that the strength of America and its people is far
greater than her enemies assume.
This Act of violence will only strengthen our will to fight
As Christians from the
Middle East we value freedom, tolerance and the rights of minorities. Also, as veterans of the fight against
radical Islamic groups we have a unique view of the events that transpired on
Tuesday, September 11. The tragic
assault on freedom is directly related to the unabated growth and influence of
Islamic fundamentalism in the region.
In a Lebanon occupied by the Syrian Army, Islamic radical groups operate
freely and have directed multiple attacks against US interests. Countries like Syria and Iran that
harbor and finance these groups must not go unpunished. The very fact that these radical groups
have grown in influence has hampered the ability of leaders in the region to
accept peace proposals.
We must take a stand against
Islamic fundamentalist groups inside and outside the United States. Countries like Syria cannot be allowed
to maintain an influence in Lebanon and sponsor terrorist activity within the
Lebanese borders.
LIC Executive Committee
Lebanese Information Center (LIC) is an independent, non-profit Research
Institute committed to providing historical resources as well as updated and
accurate information for individuals and institutions seeking to learn about
Lebanon and its people.
Leesburg Pike, Suite 203 Alexandria, VA 22302
703 578-4214
Email - licdc@Erols.com
703 578-4615