Al Anwar.com Breaking News : A car bomb exploded in a mid-city neighborhood housing the Justice Palace, the Sûreté Général Headquarters and the Association of Lebanese Doctors in the morning rush hour at 9 a.m. Monday. Police said there was no immediate report of casualties. The explosive charge was rigged into a privately owned Buick car parked near the new headquarters of the Doctors Association near President Elias Hrawi highway overpass at the Adlieh-Furn El Shubback district. The headquarters of the General Security Department, the Justice Ministry and the Telecommunications Ministry are local in the neighborhood, not far from the scene of the blast. Army troops and police cordoned off the blast scene and began an on-the-spot investigation. It was immediately established that the car belongs to Yolla Mouawad and was driven to the scene by her brother George Mouawad who works in the district. When radios flashed out the explosion report, he rushed to the scene and turned himself to the authorities. It was the second such explosion in four hours. An explosive-laden van went off in the port city of Jounieh north of Beirut at 5 a.m. Several shops close to the blast scene suffer considerable damage but again no casualties were reported.
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Syria Sends Troop Reinforcements, Vowing to Smother Israeli-Inspired Disorders . Naharnet: Syria was reported Monday to have upgraded its support of President Lahoud's regime against opposition factions, sending truckloads of troop reinforcements to Lebanon with a vow to help snuff out any Israeli-Inspired disorders. Some 100 military trucks carrying fully armed troops with their ammunition crossed from Syria into Lebanon at midnight Saturday-Sunday in the direction of Beirut, An Nahar reported Monday. Although the long convoy headed in Beirut's direction, An Nahar said the final destination and deployment locations of the reinforcements could not be determined. The Syrians redeployed out Beirut and the central mountain ridge overlooking the capital in June. They also vacated their positions near the presidential Palace in Baabda and the defense ministry compound in neighboring Yarze. The return of Syrian troops was coupled with a strong pledge of support to President Lahoud and army commander Gen. Michel Suleiman by Syrian Defense Minister Gen. Mustafa Tlass. "Syria stands by Lebanon's side to confront the suspicious movement that were proven to be linked to an external power hostile to Lebanon and the Arab nation," said Tlass in a graduating ceremony of Syrian cadet officers. His address was made on behalf of President Bashar Assad at the ceremony that was attended by Several Lebanese army officers, Syria's official Arab News Agency SANA reported. Tlass's declaration was seen by An Nahar as a "blessing of the recent arrests" of scores of activists from Gen. Aoun's Free Patriotic Movement and Samir Geagea's Lebanese Forces.
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Al Anwar.com Breaking News : A car bomb exploded at 9h00 a.m (beirut times) Monday near the head of the judiciary in central Beirut but there were no injuries, police told reporters. They said there appeared to be no casualties from the blast, caused by an explosive charge placed under an old car parked near the court centre, which is hosting the trials of dozens of anti-Syrian-activists.