gradually turning into a region attached directly to its powerful neighbor. Syrian security and intelligence agencies are ubiquitous in Lebanon, as can be seen by the crackdown on demonstrations by the Christian opposition in the first week of August.
Arrests of Christians carried out by Lebanese military intelligence under general Raymond Azar and by the Lebanese state security organization led by general Edouard Mansour were ordered directly by Damascus. The order came from general Ghazi Kenaan, head of Syria's intelligence network in Lebanon.
Syrian units operate completely independently in Lebanon and consider their counter-parts in Beirut to be at their beck and call. Telephone tapping is done exclusively at Syria's order, and an agent from Damascus is on duty at every Lebanese telephone exchange.
The docility of Lebanese military and police officials stems from long-standing Syrian policy. This consists of grooming Lebanese staff in Syrian military and police academies and picking those most favorable to Syrian doctrine for fast promotion.